International platform




On 16 October 2024 an online presentation of the project — the international platform «Educational Dialogue: Our Common Future» took place in Yaroslavl at the Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky.

The project is organised by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

The official partners of the project are the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, the Russian Academy of Education, the Russian Society «Znanie» and the Government of the Yaroslavl region.

«We live in a rapidly changing and increasingly multipolar world», — said the First Deputy Minister of Education of the Russian Federation A.V. Bugaev, opening the presentation.  — «Russia shares a common history with a number of countries, many of which are thousands of kilometres away from us. Today we are all thinking about a future in which people on Earth will feel safe, will have the opportunity to do what they love, to start families, to bring up children. We are not alike in many ways, but I believe we are united by the most important thing — a common system of traditional values that have been built up over centuries and are similar in many ways, regardless of the diversity of our cultures, religions and traditions. And this common system of values gives us the right to say that our countries have a common future, which we are building together. Politicians are working on the preparation of dozens and hundreds of interstate agreements, businessmen are discussing the norms and rules of interstate economic relations in various venues, but let me suggest that one of the key roles in building a common future belongs precisely to the education system».

The speakers at the international presentation were

  • LUBKOV Alexey Vladimirovich Rector of the Moscow Pedagogical State University
  • BONDAR Yuri Pavlovich Rector of the Republican Institute of Higher Education (The Republic of Belarus)
  • ABDRAEVA Aigul Tolokovna Rector of the Kyrgyz State University named after I. Arabaev (The Kyrgyz Republic)
  • XIE Zhou Dean of the Faculty of Russian Language, Director of the Centre for the Study of Russian-speaking Countries at Southwest University (The People's Republic of China)
  • ANO KOUASSI PAUL Rector of the University of Abidjan (The Republic of Côte d'Ivoire)
  • MOHAMMED H. SIDDIQ Rector of Koya University (The Republic of Iraq)
The online presentation was attended by educators, researchers and education experts from dozens of countries in Asia, Europe, Africa and Latin America.
«The purpose of the new project is to create conditions for the formation of professional pedagogical communities as a tool for the development of global international cooperation in the field of education», — said M.V. Gruzdev, project coordinator, Rector of the Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Education.  — «The value-semantic basis of the project is the formation and consolidation of the image of «OUR COMMON FUTURE» in professional pedagogical communities. Professional pedagogical communities can serve as a basis for the formation of a common educational space as a system-forming element in international cooperation in the field of education».

The implementation of the project includes regular project meetings (webinars) in 11 thematic areas, including issues of national strategies in the field of education, current areas of psychological and pedagogical research, issues of education and formation of a system of traditional values among young people, new didactic solutions in the context of digital transformation of education, issues of organisation of education for children with special needs and others.

Webinars will be held regularly. Representatives of universities and other educational organisations can participate in project sessions in two ways: by presenting their country’s experience in a thematic area as a speaker, or by participating in a project session as a listener. During project sessions (webinars), international project groups will be formed on thematic areas, and promising topics for joint research and projects will be identified.

According to the organisers, the International Forum «Educational Dialogue», which has been held in Yaroslavl since 2012 by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation with the support of the Government of the Yaroslavl region, will become the venue for the «general assembly» of the results of the activities of international professional pedagogical communities and the implementation of strategic planning of their work. The theme of the next forum is «Common Educational Space — for a Common Future» (18-19 March 2025).

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